Precise, competent, accurate and always first infos (yours girls ddeserve kisses) Regards
Precise, competent, accurate and always first infos (yours girls ddeserve kisses) Regards
Key information, no bugs, fast loading and update.
Gréât tool to be in touch with the business world
Much much better than bloom in everything !...
Good app ! Easy to use !
A very good app and very informative
Yet the breaking news cannot be developed as other normal news.
I want an interactive / attractive / modern interface. If I want a tv interface Ill turn on the tv. My 900 $ device has every conceivable connection (3G,4G,LTE,WiFi, etc). Yet there are few options to get the information I want. Zoom function on a chart. Chart frequency in real time / more detailed with paid subscription, perhaps. Real time anywhere in the world. More detailed lower functions, one click lower indicators that stick so you can compare charts... The timeliness of the news is excellent, but Ive reduced my rating for the chart and analysis functions and the iPad interface / screen quality. The chart could and should be accessed by simply tapping the chart (its the year 2012). Instead I am bounced back to the previous screen. I do this back and forth until I finally tap the tab; "Chart". The actual chart is bigger than the tab and if I want to see a bigger view of a chart, I naturally tap the chart, uh, repeatedly, before I see the tab. The Lower indicators once inside the chart are there, but completely useless because they are so small. No usefully information can be used from the poor representation. Im viewing on a new iPad for reference. The pop up menu to choose an indicator, especially the more useful (imho) lower indicators, are accessed via; click, scroll scroll, scroll, click. Nevermind, the indicator is too small to be useful. Let me try another, click, scroll, scroll, scroll, click. Rats, same thing. This brings up another point; The screen looks like a broadcast from my grandmothers tv. Everything is pixilated just like an old tv broadcast. On my new iPad, its downright ugly. Its time to modernize the interface for the new school in journalism and portable devices, tap once, Wow! Tap twice, detail. If I want the tv interface, Ill turn on the tv. I want an interactive interface. Note I like the scrolling stock ticker and news ticker. It could simply be better by having option to scroll just my stock plus the market indicators, and market movers. Or, just the Nasdaq, or by industry. Lots of options to improve.
Very pleasant and very smart application
The interface is really outstanding and one can sense the level of maturity of the team and processes and amount of effort put into this. It is simple and intuitive to use, provide easy access to a variety of information. Really one of the best app out there in its field. Now to manage expectations, this is a financial news app, not a portfolio manager, or iPad TV something. With that level of expectation in mind, it is fair to say they have done an exceptional job. Congratulations to CNBC !
This application allows a quick view of the financial data in real time
Great for a quick view or more in depth articles.
Way ahead of other apps.
Very buggy, and wheres the content ? Cant scroll down to news, dont see the videos anymore. No navigation tabs either. Half-cooked revamp, switching to another source.
And well
Best is often enemy of good
So ez to handle !
It is just easy to use with major datas available quickly. Just need more news and comments.
French developers should have a look. But anyway who cares about stocks in France ahahhhahahaha!